Kakao Bank has launched a service to help its customers open a securities service account, the firm said Tuesday.
The new service will be offered in cooperation with Korea Investment and Securities, a subsidiary of Korea Investment Holdings. Under the collaboration, a Kakao Bank customer will be allowed to open an account with Korea Investment and Securities with a simple click of a button.
The simplified procedure will provide a more user-friendly service, as similar procedures offered by other brokerages included submission of statements specifying personal information including name, home addresses and phone numbers.
Various promotional events are taking place including offering an immediate balance of 20,000 won ($17). Half will be wired to the bank account and the other half to the securities account.
Those who trade Korean stocks after opening a brokerage account through Kakao Bank will be given an additional 5,000 won per month for up to one year. The amount will be given regardless of the minimum transaction requirements. Brokerage commission fees will be exempted for an unlimited period of time for customers who use the home trading system or mobile trading system.
"This is a meaningful cooperation. This is our first joint project whereby consumer experience will be significantly improved as our tailored service will maximize their satisfaction," a Kakao Bank official said. Kakao Bank plans to expand the service to make it available to more brokerages in the coming months. The bank plans to expand the service to strengthen mobile and online platforms.
"Possible services to be pursued include selling funds, or insurance products in the form of bancassurance. We are open to all options to broaden our business perspective," he added.
[달콤한][영자신문: 구조분석] 시작합니다.
대상: 카카오뱅크 뭐 뉴스 없어요?
카카오는 어피치죠!
카카오뱅크는 고객들이 증권서비스계좌를 개설할 수 있도록 도와주는 서비스를 시작했다고 화요일에 밝혔습니다.
새로운 서비스는 한국투자홀딩스의 자회사인 한국투자증권과 협력하여 제공될 예정입니다.
이 협업에 따라 카카오뱅크 고객은 한국투자증권과 간단한 버튼 클릭만으로 계좌를 개설할 수 있게 됩니다. 단순화된 절차는 이름, 집 주소, 전화 번호를 포함한 개인 정보를 명시하는 진술서를 제출하는 것을 포함하여 다른 증권사들이 제공하는 유사한 절차들이 더 사용자 친화적인 서비스를 제공할 것입니다.
당장 2만 원을 제공하는 등 다양한 홍보 행사가 열리고 있습니다. 절반은 은행 계좌로, 나머지 절반은 증권 계좌로 송금됩니다. 카카오뱅크를 통해 중개계좌를 개설한 뒤 한국 주식을 거래하는 사람에게는 최대 1년간 월 5천 원의 추가요금이 지급됩니다.
금액은 최소 거래 요건에 관계없이 지급됩니다.
주택거래제나 모바일 거래제를 이용하는 고객에게는 중개수수료가 무제한 면제됩니다. "이것은 의미 있는 협력입니다. 카카오뱅크 관계자는 "맞춤형 서비스로 소비자 만족도가 크게 향상되는 첫 공동 프로젝트"라고 말했습니다.
카카오뱅크는 앞으로 더 많은 증권사들이 이용할 수 있도록, 또한 모바일과 온라인 플랫폼을 강화하기 위한 서비스를 확대할 계획이다. "가능한 서비스로는 자금, 즉 방카슈랑스 형태의 보험상품 판매 등이 있습니다. 우리의 비즈니스적 관점을 넓히기 위한 모든 가능성을 열어두고 있습니다."라고 그가 덧붙였습니다.
(S)/(V)/(O)/(pre+N)/ (toV)/
Kakao Bank(S)/ has launched (V)/a service (O)/to help (toV)/its customers(의미상O)/ open (RV)/a securities service account (의미상O)/, the firm said Tuesday.
The new service (S)/will be offered(be+PP)/ in cooperation(pre+N)/ with Korea Investment and Securities(pre+N)/, [(동격)/a subsidiary of Korea Investment Holdings].
Under the collaboration(pre+N)/, a Kakao Bank customer (S)/will be allowed (be+PP)/to open(to V)/ an account (의미상O)/with Korea Investment and Securities(pre+N)/ with a simple click of a button(pre+N)/.
The simplified procedure (S)/will provide (V)/a more user-friendly service(O)/, as similar procedures (pre+N)/ offered (PP)/ by other brokerages (pre+N)/ included (PP)/ submission (의미상O/) of statements specifying personal information(pre+N)/ [(현재분사)/including name, home addresses and phone numbers.(의미상O)/]
Various promotional events(S)/ are taking(V)/ place(의미상O)/ [including(ing)/ offering (의미상O)/ an immediate balance (의미상O)/ of 20,000 won(pre+N)/] ($17).
Half (S)/will be wired(be+PP)/ to the bank account(pre+N)/ and (등위접속사)/ the other half (S)/ to the securities account(pre+N)/.
Those (S)/ [(관계사)/ who trade(V)/ Korean stocks(O)/ after opening(pre+N)/ a brokerage account (의미상O)/ through Kakao Bank(pre+N)/] will be given (be+PP)/an additional 5,000 won (O)/per month(pre+N)/ for up to one year(pre+N)/.
The amount (S)/will be given (V)/ regardless(ad)/ of the minimum transaction requirements(pre+N)/.
Brokerage commission fees(S)/ will be exempted(be+PP)/ for an unlimited period(pre+N)/ of time (pre+N)/for customers (pre+N)/[(관계사)/ who use(V)/ the home trading system or mobile trading system(O)/].
"This(S)/ is(V)/ a meaningful cooperation(O)/. This(S)/ is(V)/ our first joint project(SC)/ [(관계사)/whereby consumer experience(S)/ will be significantly improved(be+PP)/] [(접속사)/as our tailored service(S)/ will maximize(V)/ their satisfaction(O)/," a Kakao Bank official said.
Kakao Bank (S)/plans (V)/to expand (toV)/the service(의미상O)/ to make(to V)/ it(의미상O)/ available(의미상OC)/ to more brokerages(pre+N)/ in the coming months(pre+N)/.
The bank (S)/plans(V)/ to expand(to V)/ the service(의미상O)/ to strengthen(to V)/ mobile and online platforms(의미상O)/.
"Possible services(S)/ to be pursued (to V)/ include (V)/ selling funds(O)/, or(등위접속사)/ insurance products(O)/ in the form (pre+N)/of bancassurance(pre+N)/. We (S)/are (V)/open(SC)/ to all options(pre+N)/ to broaden(to V)/ our business perspective(의미상O)/," he added.
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