U.S. President Donald Trump said Friday he has ordered the withdrawal of new sanctions on North Korea, possibly signaling an intention to continue denuclearization negotiations with the regime.
Trump was initially thought to be referring to sanctions the U.S. Department of the Treasury imposed Thursday on two Chinese shipping companies accused of helping the North evade sanctions.
The Washington Post later reported, citing officials familiar with the matter, that Trump was in fact referring to future sanctions that had been scheduled for the coming days.
The confusion lay in Trump's announcement on Twitter.
"It was announced today by the U.S. Treasury that additional large scale Sanctions would be added to those already existing Sanctions on North Korea," he wrote, although no new North Korea-related sanctions were announced Friday.
"I have today ordered the withdrawal of those additional Sanctions!" he said.
The announcement came as negotiations to dismantle North Korea's nuclear weapons program have hit an impasse following the collapse of last month's summit between Trump and the North's leader, Kim Jong-un.
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a message to reporters, "President Trump likes Chairman Kim and he doesn't think these sanctions will be necessary."
North Korea is under punitive sanctions for its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs and has demanded their removal in exchange for steps toward denuclearization.
The U.S. has refused to lift sanctions short of the North's complete denuclearization.
Last week, North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui threatened to abandon the negotiations, saying the regime had no intention to give in to Washington's "gangster-like" demands.
She also said Kim would decide soon whether to pursue talks and maintain his moratorium on nuclear and missile tests.
Trump's decision could also be related to other events demonstrating North Korea's frustration at the fruitless negotiations, according to Harry Kazianis, director of Korean Studies at the Center for the National Interest.
Hours after the sanctions were announced Thursday, North Korea pulled its officials from an inter-Korean liaison office in its border city of Kaesong.
"There might be fears in the White House that Chairman Kim might be getting ready to make an announcement that Pyongyang is dropping out of talks with Washington for the foreseeable future," Kazianis said. "Trump's canceling out of sanctions might have been a bid to get North Korea to change its thinking."
[매콤한][영자신문 구조분석] 시작합니다.
대상: 트황상 요즘 뭐해요?
구조분석 좀 해줘요
도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령이 지난 금요일 새로운 대북 제재 철회를 지시했다고 밝혀, 정권과의 비핵화 협상을 계속하겠다는 뜻을 내비칠 가능성도 있습니다.
당초 트럼프는 지난 목요일 북한이 제재를 회피하도록 도운 혐의를 받고 있는 중국 해운업체 2곳에 대해 미 재무부가 내린 제재안을 언급한 것으로 알려졌습니다.
이후 워싱턴포스트는 이 문제에 정통한 관계자들의 말을 인용해 트럼프가 사실상 앞으로 며칠로 예정됐던 향후 제재를 언급한 것이라고 보도했습니다.
이런 혼란은 트위터를 통해 트럼프의 발표에 있었습니다.
그는 "북한과 관련된 새로운 제재는 발표되지 않았지만, 오늘 미국 재무부가 이미 현존하는 대북 제재조치에 추가적인 대규모 제재조치가 추가될 것이라고 발표했다"며 "그러나 북한과 관련한 새로운 제재조치는 발표되지 않았다.
"저는 오늘 추가 제재 조치를 철회할 것을 명령했습니다!"라고 그가 말했습니다.
이번 발표는 지난달 트럼프 대통령과 김정은 노동당 위원장의 정상회담이 무산된 데 이어 북핵 폐기 협상이 난항을 겪고 있는 가운데 나온 것입니다.
사라 샌더스 백악관 대변인은 취재진에게 보낸 메시지에서 "트럼프 대통령은 김 위원장을 좋아하고 이런 제재가 필요 없을 것으로 본다"고 말했습니다."
북한은 핵과 탄도미사일 프로그램으로 징벌적 제재를 받고 있다며 비핵화를 위한 조치의 대가로 제거를 요구했습니다.
미국은 북한의 완전한 비핵화에 못 미치는 제재 해제를 거부했습니다.
지난 주, 북한의 최선희 외무성 부상은 북한이 미국의 '강자 같은' 요구에 굴복할 의사가 없다며 협상을 포기하겠다고 위협했습니다.
또, 김 위원장이 조만간 회담 추진 여부를 결정하고 핵과 미사일 시험 발사 유예도 유지할 것이라고 말했습니다.
해리 카지아니스 국익센터 한국학 국장은 "트럼프의 결정은 성과 없는 협상에서 북한의 좌절감을 보여주는 다른 행사와도 관련이 있을 수 있다"고 말했습니다.
목요일에 제재가 발표된 지 몇 시간 후, 북한은 국경도시인 개성에 있는 남북 연락사무소에서 관리들을 철수시켰습니다.
"백악관에서는 김 위원장이 북한이 가까운 미래에 미국과의 회담 중단을 발표할 준비를 하고 있을지도 모른다는 두려움이 있을 수 있습니다."라고 Kazianis는 말했습니다. "트럼프의 제재 취소가 북한의 생각을 바꾸게 하기 위한 시도였을 수도 있습니다."
(S)/ (V)/ (O)/ (pre+N)/ (to V)/ (의미상O)/
U.S. President Donald Trump (S)/said (V)/Friday [(접속사:O)/ he (S)/has ordered (V)/the withdrawal (O)/of new sanctions (pre+N)/on North Korea (pre+N)/, possibly [(분사구문:A)/ signaling an intention(의미상O)/ to continue(to V)/ denuclearization negotiations (의미상O)/with the regime (pre+N)/].
Trump (S)/was initially thought (be pp)/to be referring(to+be+ing)/ to sanctions (pre+N)/[(접속사)/ the U.S. Department (S)/of the Treasury(pre+N)/ imposed(V)/ Thursday on two Chinese shipping companies(pre+N)/ accused (PP)/ of helping (pre+N)/the North evade sanctions(의미상O)/].
The Washington Post (S)/ later reported(V)/, [(분사구문)/ citing officials (의미상O)/familiar (OC)/ with the matter(pre+N)/], [(접속사:O)/ that Trump (S)/ was in fact referring (be+ing)/ to future sanctions(pre+N)/ [(관계사)/ that had been scheduled(V)/ for the coming days(pre+N)/.
The confusion(S)/ lay (V)/in Trump's announcement (pre+N)/on Twitter (pre+N)/.
"It (S)/was announced(be+PP)/ today by the U.S. Treasury(pre+PP)/ [(접속사)/ that additional large scale Sanctions(S)/ would be added(조동사+be+PP)/ to those already existing Sanctions(pre+N)/ on North Korea,(pre+N)/]" he (S)/wrote(V)/, [(양보접속사)/although no new North Korea-related sanctions(S)/ were announced(be+PP)/ Friday].
"I (S)/have today ordered(V)/ the withdrawal (O)/of those additional Sanctions!(pre+N)/" he said.
The announcement (S)/came(V)/ [(접속사)/ as negotiations (S)/ to dismantle(to V)/ North Korea's nuclear weapons program(의미상O)/ have hit (V)/ an impasse (O)/] [(현재분사)/ following the collapse(의미상O)/ of last month's summit(pre+N)/ between Trump and the North's leader, Kim Jong-un.]
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders(S)/ said (V)/in a message to reporters(pre+N)/, "President Trump(S)/ likes (V)/Chairman Kim(O)/ and he (S)/doesn't think(V)/ [(접속사)/ these sanctions(S)/ will be(V)/ necessary(SC)/."
North Korea (S)/is (V)/under punitive sanctions (pre+N)/ [for its nuclear weapons(pre+N)/ and ballistic missile programs (pre+N)/] and(등위접속사)/ has demanded (V)/their removal(O)/ in exchange(pre+N)/ for steps (pre+N)/toward denuclearization(pre+N)/.
Last week, North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui(S)/ threatened (V)/to abandon (to V)/the negotiations(의미상O)/,[(분사구문)/ saying {(접속사)/the regime(S)/ had(V)/ no intention(O)/ to give(to V)/ in to Washington's "gangster-like" demands(pre+N)/.}]
She (S)/also said (V)/[(접속사)/Kim(S)/ would decide (V)/soon {(접속사)/ whether to pursue (to V)/talks (의미상O)/and maintain(to V)/ his moratorium(의미상 O)/ on nuclear and missile tests(pre+N)/}].